I thought it was a decent game.
If only it had a quality buttion cause my computer is slow.Anyway good game.Not great but good.
I thought it was a decent game.
If only it had a quality buttion cause my computer is slow.Anyway good game.Not great but good.
Yes another one
I saw the first one about a long time ago and I thought it kicked ass!Good work.
I seen to many games like this aready
I seen to many games like this aready.Also when you died and you try to restart you die again right when you click start.Try doing alittle better on the game.
ill be #1 on zombie mode before you know it
ugh damn it
i kep on dying on the boss
Yeah, it is meant to be hard. I even die sometimes and I've had more than enough practice. Also if you do well in the first part it will help you out, more powerful arrows and opportunity for two bonus lives if you are good.
put in something...
about the whistel next time
hears a hint or more
1.on the car part make sure your specal is maxed out then the first time it starts shooting you use your specal
2.on the bear part ugh........ use your maxed out specal then keep on shooting him untill get 1 specal then groundpound him (specal down) but you will have to keep on shooting him
3.choper before it calls out the bears use your maxed specal if you dont have it you may be screwed
4.the robot when he throws his fist at you jump away from the fist cause it may hit you even though you jumped and when hes making that ball or something keep holding the fire button up
5. final boss just keep on groundpounding him and when he is down crouch and fire
simple enough?
yea mother f*ckers
now i can walk up to them and pop a cap in their a** this is a great game
it is a good walkthrough game with the mouse and all
if u act like your having a bad day than u should pass this
So whats new today?
*Cough* Your mom...
Nope no learning stuff here.
On the moon watching you.
Joined on 1/11/06